We watched our 60 Minutes story tonight with much anticipation. We were feeling quite nervous going into it and felt quite emotional whenever we saw the promotion before the show. We watched it at Rosie and Garry’s house as we are up in Sydney for Olivia to commence chemo tomorrow. Thanks for having us guys!
We were very happy with the story and felt that it was well worth the effort that went into it. It was a story of hope and inspiration and it showed how incredibly brave and strong Olivia is. She is just such a gorgeous girl. As I’ve mentioned, we hadn’t viewed the story beforehand so we had little idea what to expect. The crew took numerous hours of footage and only a small portion was actually used. For instance, the interview with James and I took an hour and they only used some small snippets.
We also found it interesting to watch Dylan’s story and to hear about his plight in the US. We wish his family all the best and hope that they too continue to give this cancer a tough fight!
We hope now that a lot more people are aware of neuroblastoma and what it does to the children and their families. We were a little disappointed, however, that our fundraising page was not acknowledged in the show, instead relying on viewers to look up our story on the 60 Minutes website, where the details of our fundraiser can be found. We hope that this does not significantly hamper our fundraising efforts as the main reason for doing the story was to raise awareness and raise funds for neuroblastoma research.
Thanks to Glenda and the 60 Minutes team for giving us the opportunity to share our story and raise awareness.
Dear James and Kirsty. My daughter Charlotte is currently raising funds to help Olivia and she would like to know if you would like the money raised to go to the Children’s Hospital to further their research or if you are in need of the money yourselves for further treatment and associated costs for Olivia.
Charlotte was taught by Amanda Davis in Year 1 (2008), when Kirsty came to visit Cornish Campus with Olivia. She and her big sister, Jess, raised some money back then which went to the hospital for research.
Our thoughts and best wishes are with you all.
Warm regards, Barbara, Charlotte and Jess
Hi Barbara, Charlotte and Jess,
Sorry about the delay in responding – for some reason, your email was not forwarded to my email account.
It is so kind of your family to think of us. We have recently stopped Olivia’s treatment and are giving her a chance to build up her strength and live a “normal” life. She is in good spirits and we are hopefull that she will remain in remission for some time.
It would be much appreciated if you could send any funds raised to the Children’s Hospital towards research, as we are but one of many families that are anxiously awaiting for new treatments to be found.
Many thanks,
James, Kirsty, Olivia and Sarah