January 30th 2009

Olivia on the merry go round

Tonight, Olivia participated in the graduation ceremony of the Lizzie Wagner Junior Modelling course.  The ceremony was also for the older students who were participating in another of Lizzie’s courses.  The kids performed a group routine, followed by a ‘photographic’ segment where they had to walk around the room and pause to strike a pose.  There were about eight poses all up.  Well, Olivia came out and once she got close to us (we were sitting on the side), she posed and stuck out her tongue.  Our first reaction was to laugh but when she continued to do it for the rest of her poses, we were embarrassed and realised she was being silly.  It was a case of, it was funny the first time but then she just took it too far.

All of the kids received a certificate at the conclusion of the ceremony.  Olivia was being a little precocious at the end of the show – not doing what she was told, being silly and rude to everyone. James and I were quite embarrassed by her behaviour.  We realised that she was incredibly tired but her behaviour was too much.  After a good talking to and a big sleep, she managed to settle down over the next few days.

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