Monday 17th November

Olivia went to preschool and as usual had a great time. It is just so wonderful to see her being a ‘normal’ kid and enjoying ‘normal’ fun things.

After preschool, the girls spent most of the afternoon playing in the cubby house while James and I stained it. At the end of the day, we were both surprised by how much we’d actually achieved since we spent a great deal of time watching the girls who were either fighting with each other, trying to help us stain the cubby or getting stain on their clothes!

Later in the day, a couple of the guys from GHD installed a cantilever umbrella to provide some shade to our paved area where the outdoor table is. A fair bit of digging was required in order to install the base of the umbrella and concrete was used to set it in place. The girls had fun putting their hand prints into the wet concrete

We enjoyed having the whole week at home for a change. It was wonderful! Olivia made it to preschool Monday to Wednesday and seems to have settled back in fairly well

James and I enjoyed a lovely massage on Friday. Thanks so much to Sarah, Neil and Jessica for the gift voucher. It was a VERY MUCH NEEDED massage.


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